Holding God's Hand In Return

"Peace On Earth This Year

     Or Soon Enough!"Test Me On It!  -JCW

Aquarian Physics

Simple Relativity



Simple Relativity Predicts the following:


 1.  Simple Relativity predicts that it is Motion and not Mass that holds our universe within most its current form and behavior; and, it is Motion that causes most of the observed gravitational lensing observed throughout our universe!  
•    This theory is easily provable by observing areas of the universe where Motion is known and measured to occur; and most especially, the gradational lensing would be measured more extreme if the Motion observed is flowing faster in a more opposite or different direction, than that of Earth's Motions within our solar system, galaxy and universe.  
•    Simple Relativity predicts that no Dark Matter or other matter will ever be found to explain all the measured gradational lensing; or, to explain all the Motions found within our universe; such as, why the outside areas of galaxies spin too fast for their measured Mass; and this is because, only with the Force of Motion can the current measurements be accurately explained!
•    Simple Relativity understands that Motion itself can be measured within galaxies and other areas of our universe; and thus, Simple Relativity predicts that Motion can be measured to cause the above noted effects within these areas; and, this can be done by measuring the greater Motion, or greater different Motion, within the above noted areas, versus the lesser Motions; whereby, the gravitational lensing will be measured to be either greater or lesser within these same areas. 

2.  Simple Relativity predicts that all Motion is equivalent to Gravity; and thus, it is not only accelerated Motion that is Equivalent to Gravity of an equal force, as Einstein had theorized!
•    Simple Relativity names both Motion Gravity, or the measured gravitational effects caused by most-only Motion; and, Mass Gravity, or the measured gravitational effects caused by most-only Mass!  As Gravity always acts like a single system or continuum, Motion Gravity always carries some Mass Gravity within it; and Mass Gravity likewise within our ever in Motion universe, always carries some Motion Gravity within it.
•    Sure Einstein directly theorized that accelerated Motion was Equivalent to Gravity of an equal force; and, Einstein's Field Equations may also imply that all Motion is Equivalent to Mass within mv2; but, absolutely no where in General Relativity does Einstein state or connect all of our universe's Motions as being Equivalent to Gravity, of a variety of strengths; and yet, this is exactly the prediction that Simple Relativity alone makes!
•    Current accepted Modern Physics also has never equated all Motion with Gravity; and thus again, the predicted Motion Gravity is a named furthering to the accepted theories of Einstein's Relativity and Modern Physics! 
•    Simple Relativity specifically naming all Motion, including uniform Motion, to be equivalent to a gravitational Force, is similar to how light speed had been measured and implied as always having a constant velocity prior to 1905; and how, light speed was not actually clearly equated to having a constant velocity until Einstein's Special Relativity simply named it!
•    It is claimed that within Einstein's Field Equations it is implied that velocity equates to Gravity; but again, similar to how Einstein simply stated the postulate that light speed is always constant, Simple Relativity simply states and postulates that all Motion equates to Gravity within our universe; and, this is a plane and simple furthering and correction to what Einstein or anyone has directly and exactly theorized!  This is again a new furthering of Einstein's Relativity and Modern Physics, which can be easily experimentally measured!
•    Simple Relativity absolutely predicts that Motion or velocity is the most dominate and massive cause of what is recognized as Gravity, or the effects of Gravity, throughout the all of our universe!
•    This postulate can be easily verified in a number or ways by equating the actions observed within chosen areas of our universe, with their corresponding measured Motions.
•    Simple Relativity predicts that Motion Gravity versus Mass Gravity can be measured by observing the Motions that are ongoing within areas of observed gravitational lensing, as compared to the measurable Motions and Mass in the same area.  And 'measurable' is not a Dark Matter!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that Motion Gravity versus Mass Gravity can be measured also by the Time dilation changes of a clock placed at sea level on the equator, versus a clock placed at sea level on one of Earth's poles.  The clock placed at the equator will be measured to have greater Time dilation, as compared to the clock at the pole; because, the equators increased circumference causes it to spin at a faster velocity, than at the poles!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that Motion Gravity versus Mass Gravity can be tested also by measuring the lack of Time dilation for a clock placed on Earth's Moon's equator, as compared to a clock at the Moon's pole.  Because the Moon holds no spinning velocity or Motion, the clocks on the Moon will not be measured to demonstrate any increased Time dilation, relative to their location at a pole versus at the equator.
•    Simple Relativity predicts that Motion Gravity versus Mass Gravity can also be measured by the measured difference in Time dilation at the base of a tower as compared to at the top of a tower, when measured at the Earth's poles versus at the equator.  The Time dilation measured at the base of a tower as compared to at the top of a tower will be found to be greater at the Earth's equation; that is, as compared to the Time dilation difference measured at the Earth's poles.  This is because the added elevation in the tower on the equator results in increased velocity or Motion, which will then more offset the added Mass Gravity measured at the base of the tower (or mountain).  Thus, the increased Mass Gravity at the base of the tower will be offset by the increased Motion Gravity at the top of the tower at the equator; but, it will not be offset by as much at the poles, simply because the poles do not hold the same faster velocity of Motion!

3.  Simple Relativity predicts that our universe's Motion itself creates ALWAYS MORE Energy within the quantum field of our entire universe; and thus, our universe's total overall Energy is not finite and conserved!  Both within our universe and within humanity, creating more Energy can and does occur!  Simple Relativity predicts that our universe's total Energy volume is always growing or expanding at accelerating rates, along with our universe's proven accelerating rates of expansion; and also, along with the fact that Time equals velocity (Motion) equals Gravity equals Mass equals Energy equals Consciousness, or T=V=G=M=E=C!  
•    This postulate is easily recognized as truth by the simple measured fact that our universe is ever-expanding at ever-accelerating rates, which simply means that there is ALWAYS MORE kinetic Motion being created; and thus, there is ALWAYS MORE kinetic Energy being created!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that for our universe to continue expanding in Motion, it does not need additional Energy inputted into it; and thus, our universe is a practical and functioning Perpetual Motion 'machine', producing ALWAYS MORE total overall Energy!
•    Simple Relativity simply predicts that all Motion causes the creation of a significant amount of increased kinetic Energy to be present within any area of Motion or velocity.
•    This increased kinetic Energy is significant simply because, the squaring of kinetic Energy is significant; and because, Motion is increasing everywhere-always! 
•    Simple Relativity also simply predicts that all increasing or accelerating Motion or velocity also always creates more available Energy to be present within the whole of the quantum feedback system, which is ever-present everywhere!
•    Furthermore, Simple Relativity predicts that increased Energy within the quantum feedback system, will always cause increased particle annihilation and creation, or simply increased quantum feedback Energy-Motion! 
•    Therefore, Simple Relativity predicts that this increased quantum feedback frenzy caused by all Motion, as well as caused more-so by faster Motion, itself exerts an Energy force of its own that feedbacks upon itself to create the measured universal ongoing accelerating expansive Motions of our universe.
•    Simple Relativity recognizes that not all Motions within our universe move in the same directions, such as light photons and light waves radiate outward from their source in all directions.  Therefore Simple Relativity predicts that even if all Motion instantly becomes Rest Motion in the vacuum of space, any increased velocity of Motion still results in increased kinetic Energy, at least at the quantum level.
•    Simple Relativity predicts that the quantum feedback frenzy and Motion together will forever feedback on one another in an ever-increasing feedback system of increasing universal Motion and universal Energy, or ALWAYS MORE!
•    This increasing Motion and Energy are easily measured within our ever-accelerating faster expanding universe; as well as, within our ever-expanding spiral galaxies!
•    Don't worry though; because, increasing Motion causes increasing Time dilation; and thus as measured by us within our human universe, Simple Relativity predicts that all will be measured as continuing forever!  Simple Relativity predicts that as our universe's velocity of expansion speeds up, all of the Timing of human life and other processes will slow down; and thus again, all is eternal symmetry!  Simple Relativity predicts that as Motion speeds up, Time dilation slows down; and thus once more, there is ALWAYS MORE!  If our universe's expansion velocity ever could accelerate to the 'speed' of Instant Travel, then all Time and Timing would dilate to infinite; and thus, all Time and Motion would effectively stop; but, stopped Time and Motion to any humans within our universe would again be only 'felt' and 'experienced' as everlasting! 
•    A Perpetual Motion 'machine' that produces evermore Motion and Energy is exactly what our universe is!

4.  Simple Relativity predicts that any and all Motion within the vacuum of Space is simply Energy, which causes quantum feedback; and that, all of this Motion created quantum feedback Energy in-turn causes quantum expansion that accelerates the expansive Motions within the vacuum of space, which in-turn causes more accelerated quantum feedback and more expanded Motion, perpetually! 
•    Simple Relativity predicts that all of Motion's Energy within the vacuum of space, creates increased Energy available on a quantum scale, based upon the velocity of Motion; and thus, all Motion creates increased quantum particle annihilation and creation, as Motion's enacted quantum feedback; and, the intensity of this Motion enacted quantum feedback is based upon the velocity of Motion presently occurring, as timed by our universe, locally and as a whole.  And therefore, all Motion creates increased quantum feedback Energy, which then creates increased expansive Motion around the quantum feedback; and, this increased Motion then creates even more increased quantum feedback Motion, which then creates more accelerated expansive Motion within the vacuum of space; or most simply, Motion creates Perpetual Free Energy to be measurable within our universe and Earth!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that the total Energy of our universe, or Earth, is not conserved or finite; because, ongoing Motion is ever-presently creating additional kinetic Energy with every degree of spin or expansion!
•    We are not talking steam engines or other fully known, manmade closed systems; and thus, Simple Relativity predicts that our universe is constantly increasing in total overall Energy; and, this can easily be measured by simply observing the ongoing universally accelerating expansive Motions within our universe. 
•    Simple Relativity predicts that increased kinetic Energy or Motion alone creates increased quantum particle annihilation and creation, or most simply more quantum Motion or Energy!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that increased quantum particle annihilation and creation, or quantum feedback, causes increased expansive Energy; because, as the increased quantum particle Motions feedback on one another, their Motions have no where to go but 'out' or 'away' or into an expanded space! 
•    Simple Relativity predicts that increased quantum particle feedback results in an increased area of quantum action or accelerated expanding Motion; and that, this accelerated expanding quantum action and Motion causes the quantum particles to effectively 'bounce' away from each other at accelerated frequencies and amounts.
•    Simple Relativity predicts that increased quantum particle Motions at accelerated frequencies and amounts would itself cause an increased outward quantum pressure of expansion, or an accelerated outward expansive Force of Motion or Energy; thus, causing the measured accelerating expansion rates throughout our entire universe.
•    Simple Relativity predicts that the increased quantum particle feedback would cause the quantum particles to tend to 'bounce' away from each other, into a spreading-out or expansive pattern of ALWAYS MORE!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that the measured increased accelerating expansion rates throughout our universe are perpetual in their increasing Motion and/or Energy; and, because no further Energy is being currently measured as being infused into our universe, Simple Relativity predicts that the increasing Perpetual Motion and Energy is Free; or, the Perpetual Free Energy-Motion is without any measured drain of Energy from some other engine or power source!
•    Simple Relativity also predicts that the molten insides of Earth's core are also maintained within the flow of Earth's spinning Motion; as well as, having their own internal flows; and thus, these internal Motions cause Energy to be forever created, which becomes greater in total overall created Energy on an ever-moving basis; and, this is again an example of a measurable Perpetual Motion 'machine' producing ALWAYS MORE Free Energy!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that the Earth's daily spinning Motions also are perpetual kinetic Energy, at the very least within and around Earth's atmosphere; and thus, Earth's daily spinning Motions create increased perpetual kinetic Energy, at least on a quantum scale; because, at least at the edges in-between Earth's atmosphere and the vacuum of space, there is kinetic Energy causing increased quantum feedback Energy, or perpetually ALWAYS MORE! 
•    Spinning wheels or other objects create Energy for as long as they continue to spin; and, this kinetic Energy creation is ongoing even after the engine or initial source of spinning Motion is removed.
•    And thus with every degree of rotation of any spinning object, more overall Energy will have been created or added to the total Energy created by the spinning object; and again, this is true even after the initial 'engine' is removed!
•    Spinning planets, solar systems, galaxies and our universe will all, once they are set into Motion, continue to spin or expand within the vacuum of space; and therefore, Simple Relativity predicts that, although each does not still have an external 'engine' powering their continued Motion by the addition of more Energy input, they still do have continued production of Motion; and thus, they have the continued production of more ongoing kinetic Energy on a quantum scale, at the very least!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that the continued spinning and orbital Motions throughout our solar system, are each measurable examples of increasing overall kinetic Energy without any increasing Energy input; because, the finite Energy which was the Earth when it was first set into Motion within its current orbit, has been increasing with every degree of Motion; and, this is measured by simple mathematics!

5.  Simple Relativity predicts that the 'Universal Force' within our universe is Motion; because, every Energy Force most simply exists as, and/or is measured by, the Force of Motion!  Motion unifies all!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that Energy is most simply Motion!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that all Energy within our universe is known by its Motion; and thus, the universal 'Energy' is Motion, and not the other way around!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that all the Forces within our universe are most simply Forces of Motion; because, again Energy most simply is Motion!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that the one Force that unifies all within our universe, both macroscopically and on a quantum scale, is the Force of Motion!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that Motion has been claimed to be a form of Energy; but in most simple truth and fact, it is Energy that is a form of Motion, and again not the other way around!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that both Classical and Modern Physics has under-recognized the Aquarian named Force of Motion; and that, this has been done by masking it within the name of kinetic Energy; and thus, while not fully recognizing that Energy most simply is only and always Motion!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that Energy IS Motion; and although, Motion may also produce Energy, the important part is that Energy IS Motion!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that there are absolutely no types of Energy that exists and/or act other than by a Force of measured Motion; for, Motion is the unification and the symmetry!
•    Sure there is Mass which holds an Energy component within it; and yet, even with a 'solid' object of Mass, it still holds intense quantum Motion inherent within it; and, this is measurable in both single particles or within larger object of Mass; and again, all Mass again can only exert its Energy through the Force of Motion!
•    Mass, or particles or objects of physical material Mass, within their very most basic nature simply hold the Force of Motion within them.  Even the single quark inherently acts move and join in solidified Motion with another!
•    All quantum particles of physical material Mass are either known by and/or for their measured Motions.
•    All particles and objects of physical material Mass are measured to be joined or molecularly bonded by the Force of Motion.
•    Simple Relativity predicts that all particles and objects of physical material Mass from the quark on up, are all bonded by the Forces of Motions between them; because, what the Strong Nuclear Force does is cause quarks, protons and neutrons to be forced to move together; or, the Strong Nuclear Force causes quantum particles to be bonded by the Force of Motion alone!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that the when quarks join together or when protons and neutrons are joined, they are joined by a Force of Motion that moves each one towards the other; and thus, moving each one in an equal and opposite direction from the other, which happens to also be directly towards the other!
•    Thus Simple Relativity predicts that when quarks or protons-neutrons are bonded together, they are bond by the opposing Forces of equal and opposite Motion! 
•    Therefore Simple Relativity predicts that the when quarks or protons-neutrons are bonded together, they are most simply and basically are bonded by a Simple Force of Motion.  They are bonded by a Simple Force of Motion that acts upon both to create a continuum of equal and opposite Motion, solidified into what might be recognized as 'Frozen Motion'!  All joined or bonded quantum particles are most simply groupings of quarks and/or protons-neutrons, which have been bonded into solid physical states of Frozen Motion.  Larger objects of material Mass also contain other ongoing Motions within their atom's circling electrons; as well as, within the ever-flowing quantum feedback or Interchange-Reaction! 
•    Simple Relativity predicts that all material-matter is bonded in Motion from the quarks, to the protons and neutrons, to the atoms, to the molecules, to the humans, to the earths, to the solar systems, to the galaxies, and on up to the whole universe.
•    You can not blame the Motion, or even truly call it Motion no more, if the Motion itself is doing its best to still move; and thus, stops its actual physical Motion only because it becomes Frozen in Motion, due to the fact that it simply ran up against another equal and opposite moving particle.
•    Frozen Motion is like a 'tug-of-war' (only opposite like a 'push-of-war'); because, both sides are simply using as much Force of Motion as possible to 'tug'; and in the end, one side wins, and thus moves in directional alignment with their enacted Force of Motion. 
•    Frozen Motion can also be understood by considering two equally powered and sized trains that are stopped facing each other nose-to-nose on the same track; and, each with their engines remaining at full power.  But instead of actually moving fast from their full power Force of Motion, the two trains would remain stopped in equal and opposite balance, while the Force of their Energy remains Frozen into very Strong Force of Motion!  And to be clear, let's just call the two trains 'proton' and 'neutron'.  The trains may be stopped; but, if you ever try to separate the two trains, then their Force of Motion will again be atomically measured to be a very Strong Force!
•    Simple Relativity further predicts that all objects of macroscopic material Mass are equivalent to quantum Motion being effectively molecularly amassed, into a semi-permanent state of solidity.  All molecules are simply the Motions of atoms, bonded into solidified or Frozen Motion; and likewise, the nucleus of all atoms are simply quarks and protons-neutrons bounded into solidified Motion!
•    Furthermore Simple Relativity predicts that the exact reason why E=mc2 is because, the 'Frozen' Force of Motion that binds quarks, protons and neutrons together is equivalent to the velocity that these quantum particles naturally move at, which is near to the speed of light.  And as well, all circling electrons also move around each atom at the speed of light; and thus, all these quantum Motions are again moving at a velocity that is at or near light speed; and therefore, it is the velocity of the Motion of quarks, protons and neutrons that is held within their bonded Frozen Motion, which causes material matter based Energy to be measured to be equal to Mass times the speed of light squared!  It is the Force of Motion moving at or near the speed of light, which binds quantum particles; and thus, the energy found within them is measured to be equal to Mass times the speed of light squared; or, the energy found within them is measured to be equal to the speed of their Force of Motion!  
•    The Standard Model of Particle Physics and Modern Physics is currently searching for the 'particle' that unifies all the Force Particles; and, Simple Relativity predicts that the unifying Force Particle is no 'particle' at all; because, the one thing all Force Particles have in common, and the same thing that all Energy has in common, is the Simple Force of Motion; and, there is no particle for the Force of Motion!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that if you want a simple unifying Force for a Theory Of Everything, then it is the Aquarian named Force of Motion that simply unifies all and everything into symmetry!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that Motion is the universal Force, and that Energy is the name that has been given to it! 

6.  Simple Relativity predicts that humanity can create a functional Gravity Machine within months to years!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that what this squaring of Energy by increased accelerated velocities means is that, mankind 'holds in return' the likely probability of being able to create a manmade Gravity Machine, simply by spinning objects of some size and mass fast enough!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that the fact that kinetic Motion squares its Energy with increased velocity, produces the ability for mankind to create a practical and functioning Gravity Machine.
•    Simple Relativity predicts that the possibility of humanity creating a manmade Gravity Machine must be accurate also simply because of the known 'straightest curved lines' that even Energy must take, when the spinning velocities of an object are accelerated fast enough!
•    Energy, Motion, Time and Gravity all curve and flow together; but, not the Space, as Simple Relativity predicts!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that humans can create a manmade Gravity field by spinning objects fast enough; because, the increased spinning velocities squares its Energy, as the velocity is doubled; and also because, the increased spinning velocities curves the Energy lines of centrifugal force into a circle; and thus, all is significantly additive!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that to create a Gravity field for a machine the size of a sports car, humanity would have to spin an outer surface area of the craft at 952 miles per hour (mph). 
•    Simple Relativity predicts that to create a Gravity field for a machine the size of a medium car, humanity would have to spin an outer surface area of the craft at 863mph. 
•    Simple Relativity predicts that to create a Gravity field for a machine the size of a big car, humanity would have to spin an outer surface area of the craft at 787mph. 
•    Simple Relativity predicts that to create a Gravity field for a machine the size of a big house, humanity would have to spin an outer surface area of the craft at 677mph. 
•    Simple Relativity predicts that to create a Gravity field for a machine the size of a stadium, humanity would have to spin an outer surface area of the craft at 545mph. 
•    The above spinning speed predictions are all for a created gravity field that encompasses the whole craft only.
•    Simple Relativity predicts that for a smaller gravity field, lower spinning velocities would be adequate; and for a larger gravity field, faster spinning Motion would be required.
•    The above spinning speed predictions are all with a margin of error of plus or minus 300mph.
•    Simple Relativity predicts that humanity may also then further the Gravity Machine by doubling it, which would create as Hover Craft or Flying Saucer type machine!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that mankind may then also further the Gravity Machine again by tripling it into a Perpetual Motion Free Energy Machine!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that humanity may then once more further the Gravity Machine again by tripling it into a Teleportation machine; although, to work out all the energy and quantum signature requirements of teleportation, Aquarian Physics predicts that it would likely take at least several decades of research!  
•    Again look at a solar system for a model of a Perpetual Motion machine; because, they exist all over our universe!
•    Aquarian Physics predicts that all the above noted machines, except for the Teleportation machine, could be practically and functionally created by America or others within months to years!

7.  Simple Relativity predicts that the outward lines of centrifugal force become curved into a circle at higher velocities!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that the outward Energy lines of the centrifugal force, themselves become curved into the straightest curved lines possible, around any very, very fast spinning sphere; or, around a fast spinning very massive sphere!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that this then creates circular, not outward, lines of force or Energy!
•    At slower spinning velocities this curving of Energy is easily measured by the simple fact that wheels and gyroscopes tend to keep spinning uniformly in a circular Motion, and not only in an outward directional velocity!
•    What this all means is that, both the created Energy is significant from its squaring, related to the doubling of velocity; as well as, from the outward centrifugal lines of force themselves becoming curved into a circle!
•    Thus, there is more Energy or more of an Energy-Mass equivalent, as well as less outward centrifugal force; and therefore, there is a significantly greater Motion-Energy-Mass-Gravity equivalent created; or, there is significantly more Gravity created, which acts something like an inward centrifugal Force of Motion!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that before the outward centrifugal force becomes fully circular, the lines of force would first become more and more curved.  
•    The remnants of these curved lines of force themselves are easy to scientifically measure within any spiral galaxy.
•    These curving of the lines of Energy can also be scientifically observed within all orbiting objects.
•    If a smaller object travels straight by a larger gravitational object at too close a line; then, the straight line of the passing object can be curved into a circular or elliptical orbit!
•    Similarly, if a small part of a massive object is broken off, then it can be 'spun' off into a circular or elliptical orbit, which is simply an example of a finite initial amount of Energy being curved into perpetual Motion! 
•    Simple Relativity recognizes that Gravity itself is equivalent to something like a 'reverse-centrifugal' force, which again is simply a Force of Motion!
•    Simple Relativity recognizes that Gravity is equivalent to something like a 'flow of Motion', which once more is simply a Force of Motion!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that Motion within all its measured occurrences holds in return a directional flow, which is attractive in its nature, and which is understood to be equivalent to Gravity; because, what Mass Gravity does is cause an attractive direction flow, in the direction of the Frozen Motion-Energy source or object of Mass.
•    Simple Relativity predicts that Motion holds an attractive directional flow; in that, all measured Motion acts to cause the Motion of other particles and objects within its local area to be 'attracted' to move more so into its uniform directional flow!  
•    Simple Relativity therefore predicts that whenever the attractive flow of Motion is massed together into a uniform directional flow; then, it becomes a continuum of Motion that acts like a single thing or object or Mass of Energy, or Mass bonded into Motion!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that Motion's amassed directional flow, will even naturally 'attract' particles and objects within its local proximity to be directionally pulled along with its directional flow!
•    On a human scale this attractive pull of Motion is easily measured on any river bank, as the bank is constantly pulled in and along with the water's Motion.  This attractive pull of Motion also is easily measured from the measured spiraled flow out from a motor boat's spinning propeller; as well as on a cosmological scale, from the measured curving flow of spiral galaxies, all of which demonstrate focused Mass that is held within the attractive hold of Motion's directional flow!
•    Simple Relativity recognizes that if you turn off the motor boat's engine so that the propeller stops spinning; then, the outward spiraling Force of Motion's flow will continue onward until it meets another Force! 
•    Therefore Simple Relativity predicts that the cause of the measured faster than expected Motions in the outer areas of spiral galaxies is because, these unexpected Motions are simply the continuation of Motion's local directional flow, still flowing in the same spiral lines of the initial Motion's flow, which they began as when the galaxy was smaller; and thus, when the galaxy was still small enough to be more fully driven by its central Mass of Energy and Motion 'engine'!
•    Just like the local amassed Motion of water causes river banks to become part of the 'attractive' directional flow; Simple Relativity predicts that within amassed Frozen Motion there is held a Force of Mass Gravity, which causes the 'attractive' directional flow of the Motion to also become uniformly directionally aligned with the amasses Frozen Motion; and therefore, Simple Relativity predicts that this directional Force of amassed Mass Gravity is equivalent to a directional Force of amassed Motion Gravity, or just simply amasses Motion; and thus, Simple Relativity predicts that all are simply the Force of Motion!  

8.  Simple Relativity predicts that light speed is always measured as constant because of the instant quantum emission process of light photons; and additionally, that light speed being always measured as constant has absolutely nothing to do with the claim of Length Contraction or Space-Time Curvature!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that light speed is always measured at a constant 180,000 miles per second despite the Motions of the emitter or receiver; simply because, light photons are emitted and received instantly; or, light photons are emitted and received during a Time of no Motion and a Motion of no Time!
•    Therefore, light photons are always measured only at their natural speed of 180,000 miles per second; simply because, no Motion occurs during the instant of no Time, in which light photons are emitted and received! 
•    Simple Relativity predicts that there is no actual Space or measuring device Length Contraction that ever truly happens, Relative to velocity alone.
•    Simple Relativity predicts that it is the continuum of Motion-Time that flows and changes and dilates together; and, that it is not the Space that flows and changes and dilates or curves together, along with the continuum of Motion-Time.  
•    Sure, the Motion-Time needs a Space to occur in; but again, it is not the Space or reference frame itself that flows and changes; because, it is only the Motion and Time that flows and changes together and relative to each other, as a single continuum or system!
•    The quantum particles and other stuff within the Space again may flow with Motion; but, this is not the same as the actual reference frame or Space curving or flowing, as current accepted theory inaccurately predicts!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that it is the stuff within the Space or reference frame that flows with Motion and Time, and not the reference frame or coordinate system or Space itself! 
•    There is no measurable proof of any actual physical Space Contraction! 
•    Light speed remains constant in all circumstances; simply because, light photons move by a quantum process that initiates instantly; and, this is a measured and proven fact, postulated now by Simple Relativity as a simple furthering to the predictions of why light speed is always measured as constant!

9.  Simple Relativity predicts the exact Nature Of Time, as Time is Motion, and Motion is as universal as is Timing!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that Time is Motion as Motion is Time!
•    Aquarian Physics within its Simple Relativity, simply predicts exactly why Time itself must dilate at increased relative velocities of Motion.  
•    Simple Relativity predicts that Time, or the processes of Timing, must dilate at faster Motions simply because, at the 'speed' of Instant Travel, Time dilation must become infinite!  
•    Simple Relativity predicts that as an object's velocity accelerates closer and closer to the maximum 'velocity' of Instant Travel (not light speed); then, the very processes of all life and all physical Motion MUST slow-down or dilate more and more!  Therefore Time must dilate more and more, until Time itself as we know it effectively must stop (zero passage of Time and true infinite time dilation), at the 'velocity' of Instant Travel; and that is, if you call Instant Travel a 'velocity' of Motion!
•    This is simple to recognize and understand when enumerated as such.  Do the math!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that as the velocity of Motion through space gets greater or itself becomes more 'dilated', Time simply also becomes more dilated!
•    Time dilates relative to only local Motion, as Einstein said; as well as, relative to the overall Motions of our area or place within our universe, as Simple Relativity alone predicts! 
•    Simple Relativity predicts that the Motions of our universe, both local and overall, are exactly what sets the speed or Timing of Motion for all the life process (Time dilation), within that space of relative Motion.
•    Simple Relativity alone predicts that if you lived further in towards the slower expanding center of our universe or galaxy; then, your life Time would be 'contracted' relative to Earth life; and thus, you could possibly have many generations of offspring who are born, live and die; and all, within one single normal human lifetime here on Earth!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that the opposite is also true for anyone living further out within the faster expanding outer areas of our universe or galaxy.
•    Time is Motion's equal, and Gravity is Motion's equal, which is why they both make true and accurate and useful continuums together; but, Space is neither Time nor Motion nor Gravity; and thus, the Space or the reference frame is not like the others!

10.  Simple Relativity predicts that Time dilates up to its maximum possible infinite dilation at the 'velocity' of Instant Travel, and not at only the speed of light!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that Time dilates up to the maximum possible 'velocity' of Instant Travel; and then, only at Instant Travel does Time dilation then becomes infinite!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that at infinite Time dilation, the Time or Timing of all the processes of all life stops; and thus, the Timing of all physical Motions as we know them within our macroscopic world stops, at the velocity of Instant Travel!
•    Einstein claiming that Time dilated to infinite at only the speed of light is simply corrected within the math of Instant Travel!  
•    Einstein's impossibly infinite numbers at only light speed, themselves become true and correct, and not impossible, only at the faster 'speed' of Instant Travel, as Simple Relativity predicts!

11.  Simple Relativity predicts the Medium of Light; and, that light speed is not the velocity at which infinite Time dilation occurs; because, photons move at a speed that is less than Instant Travel!
•    Simple Relativity simply alone predicts that the Medium of Light is naturally light; or, that the medium which the light wave travels within is light itself!  
•    Simple Relativity predicts that Time does not dilate to infinite at only the speed of light; wherein, all local Time stops, or the Timing of all local life processes and Motion stops.
•    Time not dilating to infinity at only the speed of light can be easily measured by simply recognizing that light photons take Time to travel from their source.
•    Because light photons take Time to travel here within our relative view, we simply know that light photons are not relativisticly Time dilated to infinite at light speed, as measured by us!  
•    Time does not stop for the light photon, for photons travel at a velocity that is less than the 'speed' of Instant Travel; and, this prediction alone about light photons not 'seeing all' is simply a furthering in current theory!
•    Because light takes time to travel through space we simply know that relativistic Time dilation does not stop or go to infinite, at only the speed of light; and therefore, we know that Time dilation continues above the speed of light.
•    Mathematically we also can easily calculate that Time dilates to infinity only at the 'velocity' of Instant Travel!

12.  Simple Relativity predicts that Time is Motion on a universal scale; and thus, Simple Relativity furthers Einstein's theory that predicted that only local Relative Motion effects Time dilation or processing.  
•    Simple Relativity predicts that all Motion effects Time dilation or the Timing of processes universally; and, this prediction is easily understood by simply expanding what one thinks of a 'local time'!  
•    To claim that accelerated Motion or velocity only dilates local Time is scientifically absurd and limited in view!  
•    If Time dilates locally, then Time must dilate universally; that is, if the Theory of Relativity is accurate; and thus, if the Laws Of Physics are accurate and transferable to other reference frames or places within the universe.
•    Time and the Timing of process (or Time dilation) are linked to all Motion, and including both uniform and universal Motions.
•    Universal Time dilation is easily measured by simply expanding your considered 'local' view to include our whole universe.

13.  Simple Relativity predicts that humanity can create machines that can travel trough space at speed above that of light speed, and up to that of Instant Travel.
•    Simple Relativity predicts that the relativistic Mass Expansion and Length Contraction claims are not true; and thus, the Energy required to move a faster moving object does not expand to infinite at light speed!
•    Therefore by this fact alone, Simple Relativity predicts that the speed of light can be physically exceeded by mankind, by simply attaching engines to machines!
•    All of the other speed limits of all other natural phenomena have themselves been relatively easily surpassed, by humankind simply attaching engines to machines!
•    The concept of Motion continuing within the vacuum of space in a straight line without change until an additional force is applied to it, is well accepted and proven as Newton theorized!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that Motion within the vacuum of space itself continues forever, as what Simple Relativity names as 'Rest Motion'.
•    Rest Motion then is any Motion within the vacuum of space, which continues without any decrease; and thus, Rest Motion is any Motion that continues unchanged, as long as there is no gravitational energy or other force influencing it; and, by recognizing that all Motion is Rest Motion in the vacuum of space in this way, Simple Relativity furthers the theory and understanding of Rest Motion.
•    Recognizing all Motion within the vacuum of space to be Rest Motion allows Simple Relativity to predict that all additional thrust within the vacuum of space will cause additional velocity, up to and above the speed of light!  
•    It is true that Rest Motion will always be instantly conserved within the vacuum of space as perpetual Motion; but, it is also true that any additional thrust added to the Rest Motion, will itself also be instantly conserved as additional thrust; and thus, together they occur as ALWAYS MORE!
•    Within the vacuum of outer space where there is no resistance or gravity, whenever any additional thrust is added to the Object In Motion, Simple Relativity predicts that additional velocity must always result.
•    Consequently Simple Relativity predicts that with every burst of additional thrust, increased acceleration must always result, within the vacuum of space.
•    Furthermore and again Simple Relativity predicts that, within the vacuum of space all Motion or velocity is instantaneously Rest Motion; and thus again, all thrust adds more velocity, up to the maximum 'speed' of Instant Travel!
•    Additionally Simple Relativity predicts that within a manmade gravity field, velocity would not be felt or experienced as accelerated velocity; and thus again, any added thrust must always result in added accelerated velocity!
•    Instant Travel is predicted to be the maximum universal 'speed' or 'velocity' of travel, and not light speed!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that no one can travel faster than Instant Travel; because, all Motion is Motion; and thus, Motion cannot move backwards in Time, as Time cannot flow backwards in Motion; for, they are one system!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that as far as a universal 'speed limit' for space travel, the 'speed' of Instant Travel would be the only possible computable maximum; because, no backwards time travel is possible, and nothing can ever travel faster than instant!
•    One more note on Length Contraction and Mass Expansion is that, if the space (or space-time if you must) or thus the reference frame or coordinate system itself ever changes, then all the laws of physics must become invalid, as Galileo, Newton and Modern Physics mandates; and thus, Simple Relativity predicts that there is no actual Length Contraction, Mass Expansion or Space Curvature allowed within any true and accurate, or Simple, Laws Of Physics! 

14.  Simple Relativity predicts that there is no Space-Time Curvature, as all acts occur by quantum processes, and reference frames do not curve!
•    The gravitational lensing observed around our Sun during a solar eclipse does not prove any Space-Time Curvature exists!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that this is true because the light displacement of gravitational lensing that is observed around the Sun occurs by a quantum process of angular deflection, which is not any kind of actual Space Curvature; and, that Time actually flows (or curves if you will) with the Motion (or its equivalent of Gravity) and not with the actual reference frame, coordinate system or Space!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that it is the quantum particle field that naturally 'tightens-up' within any gravitational field; and, this 'tightening-up' is what then causes the measured light displacement or gravitational lensing around our Sun to be observed; and, a compacting of the quantum particle field around the Sun is again not any kind of actual reference frame or Space-Time Curvature!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that it is the quantum particles or other matter around massive gravitational objects such as our Sun, which looses some of the 'empty' space in-between them; thus, causing inherent angular changes in the directional Motion of all local particles of matter or wave, that occur on a quantum scale; but, this again is not any kind of true Length Contraction or Space Curvature, for Simple Relativity predicts that neither actually exist!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that the gravitational lensing observed around our Sun during an eclipse is actually only quantum angular changes in the directional Motion of light photons, directly caused by the compaction of all substance around the Sun, and relative to the Sun's extremely strong Mass and Motion Gravity field; and, this predicted particle compaction is not a curvature in space; but only, a compaction of the quantum and other particulate matter within the space around the Sun, which on a human scale would be measured to curve or distort light!

15.  Simple Relativity predicts that there is no Relative Length Contraction, beyond the compacting of particles or elastics; because, the instant emission of light equates to no proven Length Contraction exists!
•    Because absolutely no Time or Motion occurs within any pure-true exact instant of Motion-Time, Simple Relativity predicts that the velocity of the emitter or receiver matters not, to the resultant measured constant light speed!
•    Michelson-Morley, Lorentz, Einstein and others have all incorrectly concluded that the Space and the measuring device themselves must Length Contract, as a way to explain why light speed is always measured at a constant velocity; and thus why, light speed itself does not change with the changed velocities of the emitting or receiving objects; but, Simple relativity corrects this theory!
•    Within our everyday macroscopic, non-quantum, human world, the velocity of the emitting or receiving object always changes the measured velocity of the emitted and received substance.
•    This change in velocity of any emitted substance, itself being caused by changes in the velocities of the emitter or receiver, is well proven as being an absolute fact with any normal, non-quantum substances.
•    It is well proven that the measured velocity of all non-quantum substances changes Relative to any velocity changes of the emitter or receiver. 
•    The velocity changes of the emitter or receiver changes the overall measured velocity of bullets, rocks, water, air and sound; because again, none of these common substances are truly emitted by a quantum process, which occurs within an exact instant of no Time!
•    The frequency changes of magnetics and light waves does not equate to any true Length Contraction; because, both are only Timing changes, and thus not Length Contraction or Space-Time Curvature!
•    The false Length Contraction claim itself also simply creates an impossibly busy, complicated and empirically unproven universe; wherein, all machines and objects that spin or change direction must Length Contract and then expand-up again with every minute quantum directional change, which they or their planet takes!
•    And this inaccurate claim of Length Contraction remains absolutely unproven by modern experimentation or measurement; and thus, this inaccurate claim is not simple or beautiful or elegant, nor Simple Relativity!

16.  Simple Relativity predicts that there is no true actual Mass Expansion of any actual added physical gravitational weight with increased velocity; because, there is only actually an expansion of kinetic Energy, which is instantly always conserved as Rest Motion within the vacuum of space; and therefore, added kinetic Energy adds absolutely no extra actual weight or true physical Mass to the Object In Motion!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that Length does not truly Contract and that Mass does not truly Expand, with Relative accelerated velocities of Motion; because, there is no actual relativistic physical Length Contraction or true relativistic physical Mass Expansion.
•    Mass has been claimed to Expand as a direct result of, and along with, the Length Contraction of an object in relative Motion; and thus, it is falsely claimed that an object Length Contracts with accelerated relative Motion; and, that this Length Contraction causes the object to simultaneously Mass Expand.
•    It is falsely claimed that Length gets shorter with relative accelerated velocity; and thus, Mass is claimed to equivalently increase or become more condensed or denser; but, Simple Relativity predicts that neither occur in any actual physical truth!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that the measured results claimed to be Mass Expansion, are in physical truth only expansions in a Relative kinetic Mass equivalency in Energy, squared Relative to its velocity!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that the relative kinetic Mass equivalency in Energy expansion is itself only caused by an increase in relative kinetic Energy, as a result of the relative kinetic increase in velocity; and, not by any actual added particles of physical Mass or true actual physical Length Contraction!
•    There is also no experimental proof of any actual true Mass expansion; because, velocity only causes an expansion in a kinetic Mass-Energy equivalent, which is not truly any actual addition of gravitational Mass, weight or particles!
•    Sure you can equate Mass to Energy and call it increased 'Mass', to simplify the understanding of the increase in kinetic Energy that is added to an object of Mass when increased velocity is added; but Simple Relativity predicts that, to the Object In Motion itself there is no actual increased weight or Mass measured, as again all Motion within the vacuum of space, instantly always becomes Rest Motion!
•    Motion itself must be recognized as being always instantly conserved into Rest Motion within the vacuum of space; and, increased Rest Motion velocity must also be recognized as always being increased kinetic Energy, at least on a quantum scale; as well as, on a Time dilation or on a Energy Timing or frequency changing scale; and therefore, the increased velocity of Rest Motion, although still conserved as Rest Motion within the vacuum of space, also still is increased Motion or Energy!  An asteroid's Motion may be instantly conserved as Rest Motion in the vacuum of space; but, if it hits the Earth or another different moving object in space, any increased Relative velocity of Motion will be easily measured!  
•    Simple Relativity predicts that in the vacuum of space Motion is both conserved and available!
•    It must be recognized that the inaccurate Length Contraction and Mass Expansion claims are always only claimed to be Relative to an outside observer's measurement, while moving at a different Relative velocity; and therefore, to the actual Object In Motion, or to any other object moving at the same velocity and direction, there is never-ever any felt or experienced actual physical Length Contraction or Mass Expansion; thus, proving again that increased velocity only causes a kinetic Energy expansion!
•    If you place a second Object In Motion directly in front of the first Object In Motion that is traveling in the same direction and at the same velocity, then Simple Relativity understands that no increased Mass or Energy will be measured between the two Objects In Motion!
•    But again if you place a relatively stationary object in front of the Object In Motion, then you will quickly measure the additional impact force squared; but, this is a force that only occurs because of the difference in velocity between the two objects, Relative to the added kinetic Energy of the impact occurring at a Relative accelerated Motion!
•    This added kinetic Energy can be considered to hold an additional Mass-Energy equivalent, if you must; but, Simple Relativity predicts that it will forever truly remain only an increase in Motion-Energy; for, truly no actual gravitational Mass or particles are ever added by the addition of kinetic Motion alone!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that to gain actual Mass, actual particles of Mass must be added in some form! 
•    The inaccurate Length Contraction and Mass Expansions claims came into being, and thus exist, so as to explain why light speed is always measured at a constant velocity; because, the instant emission of light was not fully recognized and figured into the equation, until Simple Relativity equated and emitted it!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that black holes also demonstrate that Mass does not Expand to infinite at light speed; because, black holes are known to hold a gravitational force that is equivalent to at least light speed; and, this is a measured fact because light photons only move at light speed, and the gravitational force of black holes pulls in light photons; and thus, the gravitational force of black holes is equivalent in Energy-Motion to the speed of light.
•    Therefore black holes are measured to attract matter at a velocity that is at or above the speed of light; and thus according to Einstein's Relativity, if any quantum particle of Mass ever traveled up to the speed of light, then it would Mass Expand to infinite; and, any Mass Expansion to infinite according to Einstein's Theory of Relativity would hold in return an infinite gravitational force; and thus, an infinite gravitational force would be strong enough to infinitely attract all within the universe, into its point of singularity of infinite Mass-Energy-Motion; and yet, our universe is simply measured to be more than a point of singularity!
•    The false Mass Expansion claim also continues to exist because it is harder to make a subatomic particle move at a faster velocity, when it is already moving very fast; but, this is caused by a lack of attaching an engine directly to the back of the quantum particle!
•    When trying to move a subatomic particle faster within a particle accelerator, we attach no engines to the quantum particles; but instead, we try to make it go faster by effectively 'swatting' at it with electromagnetic energy, as it speeds by!
•    As the quantum particle moves faster and faster within a particle accelerator, we must add more and more energy to get the particle to move even a little faster; but, Simple Relativity predicts that this is not because of any actual true Mass Expansion!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that the reason we must 'swat' the quantum particle within a particle accelerator with more and more energy as it moves faster and faster, is simply because at faster speeds we have less ability to 'grab' or push or pull the particle, so as to add more thrust!
•    Again, Simple Relativity predicts that if we could attach an engine directly to the quantum particle, then our energy thrusts would remain effective and efficient; and thus, without the 'slip' or loss of energy that is inherent within an external power source!
•    This same fact is easily proven by trying to push a merry-go-round, while standing along side it; because, at faster spinning velocities you can only 'swat' at it as it goes by; and thus, you can only produce limited added thrust from the outside!
•    The merry-go-round is easily proven to be harder and harder to push any faster, once it reaches a fast spinning velocity; but, at the human velocities that a common merry-go-round spins at, no measurable relativistic Mass Expansion would occur; because, the speeds are not relativisticly fast enough to cause any significant Mass Expansion, according to Einstein's Theory of Relativity!
•    Therefore and again, Simple Relativity predicts that the reason a common merry-go-round is harder to push faster when it is already spinning at faster velocities, has nothing to do with any true Mass Expansion; and, it has everything to do with the external power source not being able to effectively 'grab' tight onto the merry-go-round, to efficiently thrust it any faster!
•    Furthermore, the theorized numbers are known to become impossible at light speed, according to Einstein's Relativity; because, both the Length Contraction to 'zero' and the Mass Expansion to 'infinite' are simply impossible!
•     Simple Relativity predicts that these numbers are also both impossible simply because they are inaccurate; and thus, not because light speed is the maximum possible speed of travel.  Einstein's math may become impossible at light speed; but, Simple Relativity predicts that light speed is not humanly impossible!
•    Simple Relativity predicts also that if anything ever physically Length Contracted to 'zero'; then, as zero it would forever remain; because, only nothing-zero can come from nothing or zero!
•    'Zero Point Energy' itself comes from the ever-present, everywhere quantum field within universal Motion, which is something and not zero or nothing; and so, do not confuse Zero Point Energy with absolute nothing or zero; because, there is quantum Motion and other kinetic Energy everywhere-always, which again is simply something! 
•    Additionally, if anything ever physically Mass Expanded to 'infinite', then as infinite it would become all that there is; that is, according to the claims of Einstein's Theory of Relativity.
•    If anything ever physically Mass Expanded to 'infinite', then it would hold infinite gravity; because, according to Einstein's Theory of Relativity, infinite Mass must hold infinite gravity, which itself must hold infinite gravitational attraction!
•    If anything ever truly physically held infinite gravitational attraction, then all other matter would be infinitely attracted to its point of singularity!
•    We live within a universe that is expanding at accelerating rates of ALWAYS MORE, and not zero; and also, we live within a universe that is much more than a singularity; and thus, Simple Relativity predicts that there is no true Length Contraction or Mass Expansion!
•    There could have never been nothing or zero existing as our universe; because, there is something now; and thus, Simple Relativity predicts that there also could never have been absolute perfect symmetry or absolute infinity as our universe; because, there is individual diversity and free randomness now, as quantum randomness and human individuality both proves!
•    There could have never been infinity or true symmetry existing as our universe; because, there are now finite aspects of at least parts of our universe, which demonstrates that our universe is less than infinite symmetry now.  Also, all within our universe is not currently infinite!
•    Within Simple Relativity the numbers are predicted to go to infinite and zero; but, only relating to the dilation of Time and Motion!
•    Within Aquarian Physics Simple calculations, the infinite Time dilation and zero Time passage numbers are true and correct, and truly possible; but, only at the 'speed' of Instant Travel!

17.  Simple Relativity predicts that our universe includes both the hardwired or particle mediated forces, and the non-hardwired or non-particle mediated forces!  Simple Relativity predicts that this must be accepted plane and Simple, if you seek a Theory Of Everything!  
•    Simple Relativity predicts that our universe is made of consciously entangled Mass and Motion, which can be easily measured together or separate!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that our universe can be easily measured to hold in return both hardwired or particle or point or Mass attributes; as well as, non-hardwired or wave or entanglement or Motion attributes!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that there is no particle for Motion, or for Motion's equivalents of Time and Gravity!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that there is no particle for conscious entanglement, frequency (or Timing), waves, oscillations, feedback, dreams, illusions, memories, or even for closed, limited minds.
•    All of these above named things within our human universe can be easily measured to affect human beings as real things; and thus, are equivalent to measured non-particle mediated forces within our universe!  
•    All of these above named things can each be easily proven to hold a force that can enact a change within the hardwired physical-particle system called the human body; as well as, within the non-hardwired non-physical, conscious wave entanglement which is the rest of being human, within humanity on Earth.  And again, all these entangled non-hardwired, non-particle mediated scientifically measurable effects occur without any measured Force Particle of their own!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that a Force Particle found and named by only a two-dimensional math formula, beautiful and elegant as it may appear, does not prove that an actual physical particle exists in three-dimensional truth!
•     Simple Relativity predicts that the named Graviton will never be found, as there also will never be a particle found for Gravity's equivalent of Motion!  
•    Simple Relativity predicts that there will also never be found a particle for Consciousness or entangled information, Time or Timing, frequency, waves, oscillations, feedback, dreams, illusions, memories, or even for closed minds.  And all these are well proven and measured to affect mankind; and some like closed minds, are measured to affect mankind by only limiting human potential!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that there will never be found a particle for Time, Gravity or Motion; because, they all are most simply only Motion; and therefore, they do not need a particle to enact what they already exist as!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that it is Motion that unifies all the measured Forces and Force Particles; because, all the Forces and Force Particles are most simply aspects or attributes of Motion!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that the actual true physical form or behavior of all known Forces is simply Motion!
•    Simple Relativity predicts that it is Motion that unifies our whole universe and everything within it, from the quantum to the human to the Earth to the all; and, throughout our entire universe there exists the flow of both hardwired particle Motions and non-hardwired Motions, and including the ever-present non-hardwired entangled couscous Motions that interconnect all as one!
•    Simple Relativity postulates that Motion is entangled into the 'everything' of our universe; for, all is unified most simply by the symmetry and beauty of Motion!

18.  Simple Relativity Predicts that T=V=G=M=E=C and Aquarian Physics Predicts Everything: 
Please see the separate Simple Relativity perditions proving that Time equals Velocity (or Motion) equals Gravity equals Mass equals Energy equals Consciousness, or T=V=G=M=E=C!  Additionally, please see the separate Aquarian Physics predictions.  Within the predictions of both Simple Relativity and the rest of Aquarian Physics, and within the understanding of T=V=G=M=E=C, and within the understanding of all Energy being most simply only Motion or a Force of Motion; as well as, within the acceptance of the rest of Modern Physics, Aquarian Physics predicts that it has 'nearly' found a Theory Of Everything!

Lastly & Firstly:
Lastly and firstly, Aquarian Physics predicts that humanity can bring Unconditional Love home to the all of humanity, through hardwired and non-hardwired means; and within this, Aquarian Physics and One Peace Press asks all persons to take twenty-five seconds to self-reflect on bringing Unconditional Love 'home to humanity'.  Please take 25 seconds of your own time to self-reflect about how you-yourself bring Unconditional Love 'home to humanity' within your daily, and overall, SELF-LIFE; and including, how you bring more Unconditional Love 'home' to ALL; and, most importantly including how you bring more Unconditional Love 'home' to those whom you do not yet consider 'your own'!  


Peace and Blessings to ALL,



JC Worthington, RN



Book Link: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/244769

