Unconditional Love


the ALL of


Maintaining Maintaining!

Unconditional Love


treating everyone like


beloved toddler or

still independent grandmother...

...self-reflect on that!

Unconditional Love


holding the




Unconditionl Love​


very simply

Love Without Condition

that is

the ALL of life itself

lived honestly and openly as

FREEDOM Maintaining Maintaining


the ALL of


We The People

of humanity

​always more always more!


We The People

do not agree to

at very least

listen to the Other-Guy



just how are YOU or

We The People


ever going to

‘One Peace Press’!


Hold the ALL of

That Which Has Been

Most Commonly Named


In Return,

Within YOUR

Hands, Heart,

Conscious Mind

​and Life Itself

for YOU and YOURS!


Test Me On It


Objectively Empirically


for YOU and YOURS!

The Aquarian

Self-Reflection on Bringing

Unconditional Love

Home to Humanity:

“It is requested that all human beings to please now,

or whenever you first hear of this Aquarian gift of the five ideas and all;

to please take just 25 seconds of personal silence;

or if you would freely please to even better yet;

to FREELY choose to

right now take only 25 seconds of self-reflection,

on just how you-yourself embody and enact Unconditional Love


on a DAILY BASIS and


AND, if you find there ore THOSE who with you yourself

do NOT ENACT Unconditional Love;

because of, your or their location or time,

or Lackings Of Desire or Want

based on some view you yourself hold as the everything against them;

then please,

fee; FREE to FREELY Choose to

TAKE AN EXTRA 15 seconds to self-reflect,

on how you yourself can

BEGIN TO ENACT love without condition, WITHIN YOURSELF and the ALL of your life itself!

Love without condition is unconditional love, is love without condition

except the condition of being only

always more always more true unconditional love

that is true unconditional

FREEDOM Maintaining Maintaining

the ALL of life itself always more always more!

Therefore, how

you-yourself can

HELP BRING The Unconditional Love

Home in FREEWILL’s

Liberty And Justice For ALL

FREE name,

to the ALL of our humanity;


to the ALL of our Mother Earth!

Peace On Earth This Year Or Soon Enough!

And thus, please now self reflect on

how you-yourself can

bring the ALL of Unconditional Love

Home to the ALL of We The People of humanity

and the ALL of ALL other ‘living things’,

which you directly associate with,

or for whatever reason,

do not yet

hold in return

The Strength Within

to FREELY associate with!”

Holding God's Hand In Return

One Peace Press

Thoughts Of The Day:

Manual Muscle Testing


Holding God's Hand In Return


Scientifically Muscle Testing human universal

truth, health, FREEDOM

and strength,

is the fact that

The Truth Will Set

We The People FREE!

Just logic this one out!​

To seek Truth that is

universal human being physically measurable absolute and whole

FREE Truth,

is to seek

Peace On Earth This Year

Or Soon Enough!

Test Me On It!

The FREE breathing present now

in which you yourself are

now presently FREE breathing

is where the ALL human motion

and actions of human change

can ONLY happen!

Vote for the ALL of

Peace On Earth This Year Or Soon Enough

simply by you yourself

always remaining consciously present

within the one and only

FREE breathing present now!

To live as past, old, now no longer presently actively real as actually still ongoing actively presently now,

is to

FREELY choose to

unfreely choose

the weakness of consciously being within a place where human change

can not still happen!

To live as future, not yet, expectations

that are presently not actively real

as actually yet

ongoing actively presently now

is to

FREELY choose to

unfreely choose

the weakness of consciously being within

a place where human change

can not yet happen!

Learn and remember

the lessons of the past,


plan and consider

the future of life itself;


now on always remain

consciously presently active

within only the

FREE breathing present now

where actual human action can happen

to make the present

...to make the future

Peace On Earth This Year Or Soon Enough!

We The People

please also see the

Aquarian Physics web page

​Vote For The Will Of God ...the ALL


Peace On Earth This Year

Or Soon Enough!

"Peace On Earth This Year

     Or Soon Enough!"Test Me On It!  -JCW

Aquarian Physics

Human being and humanity life motions
create and enact
always more always more
human being and humanity
strength and health!

This is simple common sense and logic
the ALL of human life motions
that are healthy and strengthening
teach and enact
always more always more
human being and humanity health and strength,
that then naturally, inherently, meekly
lives longer!
the everything of human life motions
that are unhealthy and weakening,
may teach and enact some people
to try some
unhealthy and weakening life motions;
most human beings and humanity
learn and are taught
real actual life lessons
that then as
The Feedback Of Love
teach and enact
always more always more
human being and humanity
health and strength!

This is because
the everything of human life motions
that are the everything of
unhealthy and weakness,
may teach some people
to learn to do some
unhealthy and weakening
human actions and inactions;
human unhealthy and weakening
actions and inactions themselves
always more always more
teach and enact
always less always less
human health and strength;
and so
by common sense and logic,
unhealthy and weakening
human being and humanity motions
naturally, inherently, meekly
always more always more
make those
human beings that practice
The Feedback Of Hate
always more always more
unhealthy and weak
...the everything of dead!
And unhealthy weakness and death
naturally, inherently and meekly
always more always more
teaches and enacts,
to other human beings,
always more always more
natural, inherent, meek
common sense and logic
that then
teaches and enacts
always more always more
human being and humanity
health and strength
and the ALL of the health and strength of
the good life!

Peace On Earth This Year Or Soon Enough!

Is scientifically measurable to be doable!

Test Me On It!

Heart Release About God Of the ALL's

video part 127, ...seriously!

One Peace Press

is owned and operated by

author self publisher

JC Worthington, RN

for the ALL of

Peace On Earth

This Year Or Soon Enough!