"Peace On Earth This Year

     Or Soon Enough!"Test Me On It!  -JCW

Holding God's Hand In Return

Aquarian Physics



...the ALL

We The People measure these quoted declared statements of fact for and within your own good truth muscles!

Politician best We the People FREE choice quote:

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America; and in Order to manifest the ALL of what is written within our United States Of America Constitution, We The People do solemnly swear to FREELY choose to vote for the political candidate named ...(and just add each political candidates exact whole name)!"

Supreme Court Judge best We the People FREE choice quote:

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America; and in Order to manifest the ALL of what is written within our United States Of America Constitution, We The People do solemnly swear to FREELY choose and appoint to the Supreme Court Of The United States Of America  ...(and just add in the named judicial appointee's exact whole name)!"

And here is one for our judicial system's National crisis:

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America; and in Order to manifest the ALL of what is written within our United States Of America Constitution, We The People do solemnly swear to FREELY choose to appoint Judicial Court Appointees to The United States Of America that are ...(and just add the word ...Conservative, then the word ...Moderate, and then the word ...Liberal)!"

We The People ...Trust But Verify!
We The People ...Test Your American Made Truth Muscle!
We The People ...Hold ...God Bless America ...In Return!

We The People scientifically accurately Manual Muscle Test the above declared statements of fact!

We The People accurately scientifically manifest We The People Made In America, American Born And Bred, The American Dream becoming The American Way, American Made Truth-Strength Muscle to show Earth and the entire universe-ALL just exactly why ...Earth In The Center Of The Universe!

We The People truly ...Test the ALL On It ALL!

We Te People ...Trust AND Verify!


We The People, to scientifically accurately Manual Muscle Test the above declared statements of fact, simply copy and paste, or otherwise exactly write out, one of the above statements of fact onto a blank piece of paper, along with the chosen Political Candidate's name, or the Judicial Appointee's name, or the word ...Liberal or ...Moderate or ...Conservative, and each placed in the above noted exact appropriate spot to complete the declared statement of fact.  

We The People, then just seal each exactly written out declared statement of fact into identical blank envelopes; and then, just accurately Manual Muscle Test which double-blinded, repeatably peer-verifiable blank envelope Holds In Return ...American Made Truth-Strength Muscle, as empirical physical event measurements of We The People's American Dream of The American Way of Liberty And Justice For ALL; and We The People then, the ALL of ...God Bless America ...arises!

We The People, to be absolutely scientifically empirically accurate within The Scientific Method, also Manual Muscle Test if: "The above declared statement of fact is ...(and just add the word "accurate" or "false", to complete the sentence); and, by then also adding one of these last two "accurate" or 'false" statements to the above noted declared statement of fact quotes and just below the quote.  Then simply seal the now noted two declared statement of fact quotes written as noted on one single piece of otherwise blank paper, and then seal them into a blank envelope.  This way We The People get to feel both the truly feel the American Made human muscle physical strength-truth-muscle events, as well as the everything human unmade physical weakness-falsehood-muscle events, so as to be absolutely scientific within The Scientific Method!

The American Dream of

The American Way of

Absolute Human Enlightenment FREEDOM


Whole Human Utopia Pure-Truth!

We The People ...only as We The People FREELY choose

...United We Stand,

far over and far divinely above

...are you against US-ALL

...Divided We Fall!